Norm Green kann nicht mehr nach Deutschland kommen!
Freitag, 04. September, 2009
Peter Blomert

Uns erreichen schlimme Nachrichten aus Kanada:

Norm Green, der seit längerem an Krebs erkrankt ist, ist inzwischen so krank, dass weitere Flüge nach Europa unmöglich geworden sind. 

Kathy und Norm Green schickten uns den folgenden Brief als Botschaft an alle, die das kooperative Lernen verbreiten:

Dear Friends,
It is with great sadness and almost a sense of disbelief that we have to write to say that our work and travels in Germany have come to an end. It has been a complicated and difficult summer for the Greens-starting with minor surgery for Norm that ended with the complications of an e-coli infection and a bowel obstruction. An 8 day hospital stay plus a new chemotherapy treatment have made it very hard to regain strength and endurance. This has been compounded by many large diagnostic procedures.

As a result of all of this, the head oncologist that quarterbacks our treatment and who is so very talented and informed has advised us that further trips to Europe would be impossible. He needs to be closer to home and to his medical support teams.

Cooperative Learning, both practicing it and teaching it, has been the cornerstone of our lives, filling both our minds and hearts for over 25 years. We know it makes an incredible difference for both teachers and students alike. We have been proud to bring this teaching strategy to Germany, Italy and so many other countries over the last 12 years. Indeed, it has been a privilege. We have met so many talented and wonderful educators, many who have become our closest friends. Indeed-we have lived the dream-working with the love of your life, doing what you love, and making a difference.So we consider ourselves extremely blessed.

Please keep in touch with us-the torch has been passed to all of you that we have trained. Write us about all your wonderful experiences both in the classroom and the training room. This will be our legacy, one that we have dreamed of and worked so hard for.

Here in Canada, with the support of family, friends and God, we will prayerfully fight the good fight  to gain strength and enjoy life.

We will miss you all more than you know. It is hard to even think of at this time.

We wish you all good health, much joy and heartfelt thanks-it has been an incredible journey.

With the deepest affection and thanks,
Norm and Kathy xx

Kathy bittet alle, die hier bei uns mit Norm gearbeitet haben, die ihn kennen und schätzen gelernt haben, doch bitte Email-Grüße an Norm zu schicken - jede Nachricht aus Deutschland, die ihm zeigt, wie sehr er und das, was er hier geleistet hat, geschätzt wird, kann ihm helfen, den täglichen Kampf mit seiner Krankheit auszufechten.
Wir bitten Euch daher auch ganz herzlich:
- wenn es Euch möglich ist, schickt ein paar Zeilen nach Kanada.

Article originally appeared on Green-Institut (
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