Zweite Internationale Leitungskonferenz in Münster
Das Green-Institut veranstaltet gemeinsam mit der Westfälischen Wilhelms Univeristät Münster, dem Landesverband NRW der Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft und der University of Niagara, USA, NY.
Die Zweite Internationale Leitungskonferenz
Learning - Teaching - Leading - School Development
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
09.07.2008 bis 12.07.2008
Conference language: English
Registration fee: 200 €
Download the flyer of the conference!
"The Second International Leadership Conference is held as a follow-up to the First International Leadership Conference hosted by Niagara University, N.Y. The conference presents itself as an opportunity to discuss and investigate cooperative teaching and learning practices on an international panel, with special regard to the areas of learning, teaching, leading, school development and evaluation.
The discussion on how tomorrow’s schools should be changed is still in full swing, especially in Germany, where the reduction of secondary schooling from nine to eight years provides new fuel for the debate. If carefully initiated, the forthcoming changes could provide a positive climate that stimulates and supports continuous learning. From our point of view one of the central questions is how cooperative learning structures can be implemented in the course of these changes.
The task ahead is to design learning opportunities that provide opportunities for sharing and extending knowledge and skill into areas that are current and perhaps less well known.
The central conference topics addressing these questions will be presented in keynotes discussing different aspects of cooperative learning: the theoretical foundations, cooperative learning and teaching, evaluation, leading and school development and the integration of cooperative learning into further education. These aspects are taken up again and dealt with in greater detail in the workshop strands where interactive workshops will provide the opportunity to enhance and apply knowledge.
The second major goal of the conference is to stimulate partnerhips between research and educational institutions in Europe and in western New York and Canada. Our agenda is comprehensive and highly interactive, with social and cultural events planned throughout the time of the conference."
Detlef Berntzen, Ph.D.
Chief executive officer, Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, WWU Münster
Weitere Informationen: II. International Conference On Leadership
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